ERU - Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

2 of Our Faculty Members are listed in the 2021


"The Most Influential Scientists" list, prepared annually by John Ioannidis of Stanford University and his team and published in the PLOS Biology Journal, has been announced.

Stanford University professor John Ioannidis and his research team published a list of scientists who are the top %2 among scholars from different disciplines of the world in the journal "PLOS Biology."  While creating the list, different variables such as publication numbers, citation numbers, h-index, and hm-index are used. According to the announced list, 30 faculty members from our university and 2 faculty members from our faculty succeeded in being included in the list.

We congratulate our faculty members Prof. Dr. Faik BİLGİLİ and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Recep ULUCAK succeeded to be placed on the list. 

Click here for the list of "The Most Influential Scientists" who placed among the top %2 of 2021. 
