At the Senate meeting held on May 14, 2020; it has been decided that the final and resit (make-up) exams will be held online between 6 June and 14 July 2020, and the courses that are not suitable for the online exam due to the course content and format will be held at the end of the year, and the resit exams will be made as homework. It was also decided and announced that the courses within this scope would be announced to the students by the relevant units and faculty members. In accordance with this decision; the exam calendar of the online courses for the final and resit exams, the principles of online exam practice and the list of courses to be held in the form of assignment are given below.
According to this calendar; final exams in the form of online and assignment will be held between 6-27 June 2020, and resit exams will be held between 29 June-14 July 2020.
Exam application principles and exam schedules are as follows: