ERU - Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

The Investigation of the Relationship between Students' Internet Addiction Levels and their Communication Skills and Social Anxiety


In the decision numbered 2022/1 taken at the meeting of the High Council Against Addiction on February 10, 2022, the Council decided the continuation of the implementation of a prior decision "The Start of the Anti-Addiction Campaign with the participation of all segments of society in 2021 and turning into a campaign by scheduling the fight against drugs, cigarettes and hookah, alcohol, and digital addiction."  

One of these studies is the realization of "field studies for the conscious and safe use of the internet." For this purpose, the "Field Study on Measuring and Developing the Skills of the Conscious and Safe Use of the Internet for Teachers, Students, and Parents" was initiated within the Information Technologies and Communications Authority. One of the studies to be carried out within the scope of the project is titled "Investigation of the Relationship between Students' Internet Addiction Levels and their Communication Skills and Social Anxiety."   

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