ERU - Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

ERU FEAS - Rules Regarding the Graduation Ceremony


1. The ceremony will take place as follows:

  • Standing in homage and singing the national anthem
  • Opening statements
  • Valedictorian adress
  • Valedictorian nails his/her name tag
  • Reading of faculty degrees, presentation of gifts and diplomas
  • Reading the degrees in the departments, presentation of flowers and gifts
  • Presentation of diplomas on department basis and in order
  • Singing the university anthem
  • Graduation cap toss


2. Attendance to the ceremony should be carried out with cap and gown.

3. Graduates must be present at the Marianne Molu Amphitheater at the latest at 17:30 for the ceremony.

4. Students present at the ceremony area must find their class representatives and sign the attendance list. The names of the students who do not sign will not be read during the ceremony.

5. Students who sign the attendance list should line up in front of the amphitheater under the supervision of class representatives.

6. The order adopted in the rehearsal must be maintained throughout the ceremony and must not be broken for any reason like photo shoot. The photo shooting will be carried out by the Information Processing Unit. The Photographs taken during the ceremony can be obtained from the Erudepo address, which will be announced later on the Faculty website. After the ceremony, students will be allowed to take photos in the ceremony area.

7. During the ceremony, students should not leave their allocated seating areas and should avoid any behaviors that can cause noise or hum. The students whose names are read should come to the stage and return to their places after receiving their diplomas.

8. Following the diplomas presentation, the university anthem will be sung; then all students will throw their caps into the air with the warning of the program host.

9. Robes and caps worn at the ceremony must be returned. Students who do not submit their caps and gowns will not be able to complete their graduation process.



Kurulduğun günden beri bizlere,

Heyecanın dalga dalga yayılır.

Dağlara yasladığın o bağrında,

Başlarımız sevgi ile eğilir.

Selam sana selam soylu Erciyes.

Selam sana selam üniversitem.


Katmer katmer ışık saçar yüreğin,

O ışığı yudum yudum içeriz.

Karanlığı silip atmak dileğin,

Birlik olup engelleri geçeriz.

Selam sana selam soylu Erciyes.

Selam sana selam üniversitem.


Atamızın çizgisinde yolumuz,

Dinlenmeden hep o yolda koşarız.

Boy veriyor ağacımız dalımız,

Erciyes’im biz seninle coşarız.

Selam sana selam soylu Erciyes.

Selam sana selam üniversitem.



MP3 Format of the University Anthem:

Alternative Link for the University Anthem (Youtube): 
