2021-2022 Academic Year Food and Money Scholarship applications were completed on 20.10.2021. As a result of the preliminary evaluation, the students who were eligible for the interview were determined. Scholarship interviews will be held online via Zoom program on Tuesday, 26.10.2021. Applications of students who do not attend the interview will not be considered. Log in to ERU İİBF ONLINE TRANSACTION SYSTEM to see your interview time and interview room zoom information.
- Scholarship interviews will be held online through the Zoom program. Please enter the zoom hall at the latest 5 minutes before the interview time specified in the Online Transactions System.
- When you enter the Zoom lounge, you will be kept waiting in the waiting room, and when it is your turn, you will be taken inside. Please do not leave the waiting room.
- Please enter the online interview in an environment where you are alone.
- If you do not have internet access or it is not healthy, you can attend the online interview in the special room allocated for you by applying to the ERU İİBF Library at the specified interview time.
- If you have problems with the online interview, Res. See. You can contact Selma GÜLIRMAK. (selma@erciyes.edu.tr)