ERU - Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

2024 Summer School - Attention to the Students Taking Courses






Procedures for Taking Courses in the Summer School:

1-Procedures for Erciyes University Students Taking Courses in the Summer School:

Students who will take courses from our university's Summer School must complete their course registrations through the Student Information System (OBISIS) by 17:30 on Friday, July 19, 2024. After this date, the systems will close, and course registration will not be possible. After selecting the courses offered in the summer school through OBISIS, students should deposit the corresponding fees into the designated Summer School account at Halk Bankası, Erciyes University Branch. This completes the registration process for summer school courses.

2-Procedures for Students from Other Universities Taking Courses in the Summer School:

Students from other universities who wish to take courses from our university's Summer School must complete their course registrations through the online system ( by 14:00 on Friday, July 19, 2024. After this date, the systems will close, and course registration will not be possible. After selecting the courses, the summer school fees should be deposited into the designated Summer School account at Halk Bank, Erciyes University Branch. This completes the registration process for summer school courses.

NOTE: Students must follow up with their departments regarding attendance or group allocation for courses offered in the respective faculties or departments.

3-Attention to Students from Other Universities Taking Courses in the 2023-2024 Academic Year Summer School:

***Before attending the summer school at another university, students must fill out an online form through the Student Information System (OBISIS) from June 24 (Monday) to 16:00 on July 19 (Friday) and submit it for approval by the accreditation committee. At the end of the summer school, accreditations will be processed based on the submitted form. Students who do not fill out the online form and submit it for approval by the accreditation committee will not have their accreditations processed.

To avoid any inconvenience, students are urged to handle this matter with sensitivity.

For detailed course contents, please visit


  • The duration of the summer school is 7 weeks.
  • Face-to-face classes will be held from July 22, 2024, to August 30, 2024.
  • Taking courses in the summer school is optional for students. They can take up to a total of 25 ECTS credits in one summer term, primarily for repeating necessary courses. This total includes all courses except those offered by the Distance Education Research and Application Center (5-i courses). Students benefiting from the summer school are not required to meet a minimum GPA when determining their courses.
  • Students may take courses offered in the summer school or summer term at another university, provided they are not offered at Erciyes University and do not exceed 16 ECTS credits in one semester, as determined by the University Senate.
  • Once registered, it is not possible to add, change, or drop courses in the summer school.
  • Students taking courses in the summer school cannot simultaneously engage in internships, except for 5-i courses offered in distance education.
  • Summer school fees must be deposited into the designated account with T.C. identity numbers. EFT or wire transfers are strictly not accepted.
  • After final registration in the summer school, it is not possible to add, change, or drop courses.
  • Students can take courses offered in the summer school or summer term at other universities, provided they are not offered at Erciyes University and do not exceed 16 ECTS credits in one semester, as determined by the University Senate.
  1. Undergraduate students can take up to 40 ECTS credits
  2. Associate degree students up to 24 ECTS credits
  3. Postgraduate students up to 16 ECTS credits from other universities' summer schools.
  • Refunds will be issued for canceled courses in the summer school due to reasons such as failure to meet the minimum required number of students. However, students will not have the option to choose replacement courses. (For processing refunds related to the summer school, update your IBAN information in the "Update My Information" section on Applications will not be accepted in person.)
  • Students who take courses in the summer school must attend classes, even if they have already taken the course during regular semesters. Furthermore, if a student fails the course in the summer school, they will still be required to retake it during regular semesters.
  • Grades for courses taken from other universities will be converted according to the Erciyes University grading system and entered into the system.

*After final registration in the summer school, adding, changing, or dropping courses is not allowed.