ERU - Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

Important Announcement About Coronavirus


Dear Students of Our Faculty,

As you know, education was suspended for a while due to the cautionary decisions taken by Council of Higher Education on 13.03.2020 for the coronavirus (Covid 19) pandemic, which affects both our country and the world. Whether the interval will be extended or not, changes in the academic calendar will be shaped by the decisions of Council of Higher Education and our University Senior Management in the coming days. During this period, our expectations from you are:

  1. First of all, protect yourself from the disease in question. We are particularly suitable for measures such as "washing hands frequently, avoiding crowded environments, and paying attention to social distance" recommended for this purpose.
  2. Do not be sick so that the more risky groups around you (over 60 and those with chronic diseases) can be protected. In this respect, those who see the symptoms of the disease should put themselves in special quarantine until they recover.
  3. Do not consider the interruption of education as a vacation, and use it to correct your deficiencies and to read plenty of books.

Hopefully, we will leave this process behind, all in cold blood, without panic and with the awareness of the seriousness of the disease. Stay healthy.

Best regards.

Prof. Dr. Saban UZAY

