With the affiliation of Hacettepe University, our faculty established on September 20, 1976, under the name of Kayseri Business Administration Faculty. The preparation of infrastructure and the creation of the faculty member was started as of May 3, 1977, following the appointment of Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Çaycı to the deanship.
Kayseri Business Faculty, together with Faculty of Medicine, formed the core of Kayseri University having separated from Hacettepe University on November 7, 1978. On March 28, 1983, Kayseri Business Faculty was incorporated into the Erciyes University, replacing Kayseri University, with its new name of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences.
Our faculty started education on January 7, 1980 with one department, two lecturers, two instructors and 75 students. Furthermore, 627 graduate students are educated as master and PhD degree in the faculty. 173 students of undergraduates and 15 students of graduates are foreign students.
The level of the faculty which will be reached in the long run generally depends on how and which steps were taken in the foundation of the faculty. That’s why we memorialize our first dean Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Çaycı with gratitude. In its journey for more than 40 years, we sincerely thank everyone who contributed to improving our faculty in both academic and administrative way.
Currently, approximately 4630 students are enrolled in our undergraduate programs. The faculty aims at encouraging students’ critical and analytical thinking skills along with the skills required for active participation in their chosen professions.
We can say that our faculty takes place in the most prestigious universities in Anatolia in terms of its academic staff. The faculty employs a total of 83 academic staff, which consists of 20 professors, 17 associate professors, 19 assistant professors, eight lecturers, and 19 research assistants. 28 of our academic staff obtained their undergraduate and graduate degrees from universities in the United States, Britain, Austria, and Germany. We have one foreign lecturer and 273 international students.
Our faculty offers five undergraduate degree programs, namely Business Administration, Economics, Public Finance, International Relations, Political Science and Public Administration. Business Administration, Economics and Public Finance are also held as evening classes. The education language in the departments of Public Finance, International Relations, Political Science and Public Administration is full-time Turkish. Students of these departments can also take elective English courses. The education language for the departments of business administration and economics is partially English (at least 30%). In addition, our students attend a one-year preparatory English Language Program at the School of Foreign Languages prior to their four-year undergraduate education. There are also various English courses offered in each semester.
Our faculty offers a wide variety of courses to the students to help them specialize in any field are interested. English and information technology-oriented courses are among the elective courses. After completing a total of 560 hours in the one-year preparatory program at the School of Foreign Languages, the students begin their departmental courses. The overall hours of the basic and advanced computer-assisted courses exceed 270 hours during four-year education. The computer-assisted courses are held in five laboratories. Every student must complete either an undergraduate thesis or 30 workdays internship after the third class.
Summer school is available, and students can take courses offered in summer school. They can also take advantage of the summer schools of other universities. Students from other universities can also be enrolled in our summer school.
Starting from 2005-2006 academic year, through minor programs we apply, our students have the opportunity to finish another department they chose in addition to their own department.
Students that graduate from these departments acquire a Bachelor’s degree. The academic staff in our faculty gives graduate programs in all departments and post-graduate programs in the departments of Management and Economics. The graduate programs we offer are as follows: graduate programs in business, non-thesis graduate programs in business, graduate programs in economics, graduate programs in public finance, graduate programs in international relations and graduate programs in political science and public administration. graduate programs in management information systems. Post-graduate Programs in the department of Economics are as follows: Post-graduate programs in economic policy, postgraduate programs in economic development and international economics, post-graduate programs in economic theory and history. post-graduate programs in economics in english. post-graduate programs in department of management we offer as follows: post-graduate programs in accounting and finance, post-graduate programs in production management and marketing, post-graduate programs in administration and organization, and post-graduate programs in marketing.
As part of the Erasmus program, successful students can benefit from an exchange abroad with 15 universities from 9 countries such as Portugal, Spain, Germany, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and South Korea. Likewise, students and guest lecturers are also accepted from foreign universities through Erasmus prog. In addition to the Erasmus program, our faculty offers other exchange programs such as Mevlana and Farabi Student Exchange programs.
Our faculty, which was built on a 29,000 square-meter area, is a huge complex that consists of staff offices, classrooms, lecture halls, an administrative division, press and book sales office, a conference hall, a cafeteria, a library, a reading hall, a computer center, among other units.
Courses are held in 37 different classrooms with a capacity ranging from 80 (the smallest) to 150 (the largest) students. There are also six lecture halls, which can hold 210 students, where courses can be taught jointly. In addition, there are 35 smart classrooms which accommodate 80 students and five computer laboratories with a total of 200 computers. Each member of the academic staff is provided with an office equipped with a computer with a 24-hour internet connection.
To meet various student needs, there is a dining hall and several shops. In addition, there is a modern cafeteria with a capacity of 250 people.
In the faculty building, there is a library with more than 15,000 books and 6000 periodicals. In addition, there is a reading hall that is fitted with a wireless internet connection and has a capacity of 200 people on the ground floor.
There are two state dormitories in Kayseri, one for males and one for females, accommodating a total of 1,500 students. The dormitories offer different room options in two and six capacities. The rooms have central heating system and hot water supply system. Students are served breakfast and dinner. Hairdressers, cleaning services, internet, study rooms, and other services are available to meet student needs. In addition, there are also several private dormitories in Talas, a municipality which is within walking distance of the campus. Students who show outstanding success are offered in special rooms at the Demir Karamancı Science Site.
Our students can receive medical care at the Medico-Social Health Center. In this center, the students are treated for mild injuries or illnesses, but for serious illnesses or injuries they are sent to Gevher Nesibe Medical Center.
Students can apply for scholarships from the Rectorate, Erciyes University Foundation, Turkish Education Foundation, General Directorate of Credit and Dormitories Agency, and other benefactors. Though the number of students that are given scholarships changes annually, about 75-100 students are awarded a scholarship every year.
It is important that students become individuals who are able to participate in teamwork and have self-confidence as well as being professionally trained. For this reason, our faculty encourages social activities. We have six student clubs organizing social and cultural events as well as professional activities, so extracurricular opportunities are provided, which students establish themselves or are established by staff members.
In our faculty, there is the Center for African Economic and Social Research and Research as a research center. This research and application center is a unit established to conduct scientific and applied researches and studies and to carry out activities to reach these aims.
There is also Kayseri Research and Application Center (KAYHAM) in our faculty. KAYHAM is an information center that provides documentation, library and statistics database services for researchers in Kayseri. For this purpose; Kayseri Library has been formed by gathering the works written up to date about Kayseri within Kayseri within the scope of the information bank and librarianship activities. On the other hand, with the Kayseri Statistics Database, statistical database service is provided for research on Kayseri and the university.
Our slogan is “Towards good and better.”